April 1 – May 22
Track & Field is a no-cut sport open to all 6th, 7th and 8th graders.
Practices will be every day, Monday to Friday, from 3:00-5:00.
Most meets will be held on Thursdays, with home meets at Sandy High School.
Athletes will need a pair of athletic shoes and clothes to be physically active in. A singlet tank-top jersey will be provided for meets. Running spikes are not required but some families do purchase them. If you are unsure, speak to one of the coaches before purchasing those. Track is an outdoor sport, so plan to dress for a variety of Spring weather conditions.
Coaching Staff:
Head Coach – Jamie Petross – jamie.petross@coaches.ortrail.k12.or.us
Assistant Coach (jumping) – Mattie Burns
Assistant Coach (throwing) – Cody Garrison
Assistant Coach (long distance) – Todd DeJong
For any questions or additional information please contact:
Niki Trautman niki.trautman@ortrail.k12.or.us – 503-668-9393
Official Physical Form (English)
Official Physical Form (Spanish)
To pay the $55 athletic fee:
Online- at In-Touch Online Payments sign in with your ParentVue account credentials, please allow up to 48 hours after registration for fee to be assigned.
Boring Middle School office- cash, check or card, please ensure checks are made payable to Boring Middle School and include the student’s name and sport in the memo line.